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Is Your Business at Risk of a Cyber Attack? The Biggest Threats Facing Organisations Online in 2025

According to Claims Director Steve Wright of Chartered insurance broker Russell Scanlan, the need for robust cyber insurance cover has become an absolute necessity for British businesses. Many think that having a sophisticated suite of cyber security measures in place is sufficient to futureproof the integrity of their digital operations, but according to figures released by Gov UK in April 2024, half of businesses (50%) and just under one third of charities (32%) reported some form of cyber security breach or attack in the last year.[1] Steve recently sat down with Joe Burns, Founder and CEO of Reformed IT and certified…

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Inadequate Cyber Insurance is a Huge Gamble

As one of Las Vegas’ biggest casinos becomes the latest in a long line of large, and surprising organisations to suffer from a cyber-attack and data breach. A long list this year that includes Twitter and The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). As a result, the need for robust cyber insurance cover has become an absolute necessity for some. Here our Managing Director, Bryan Banbury, outlines the high stakes involved with cybercrime when it comes to insurance. To protect your home and valuables, you might install a high-tech alarm system, with cutting-edge CCTV cameras and a whole host of other…

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Reflections from an Insurance President

Taking on the responsibility of being the Nottingham Insurance Institute President isn’t a job for the faint-hearted. It requires perseverance, determination and passion, all the qualities of Russell Scanlan’s Commercial Manager, Joanne Marriott. Joanne was President of the NII and, during her two-year reign, set new records for the institute. From taking on the role during a global pandemic, hosting virtual events, raising money for charity and ensuring the long-lasting legacy of the institute, we’re proud of the work Joanne achieved. As Joanne now steps down from her Presidency role, we asked her to reflect on the highs and lows. Here…

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Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership

For the past two decades, we have been fostering a strong relationship with the city’s renowned Nottingham Playhouse. This year, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary of sponsorship, proving that our commitment to the arts and local community is unwavering. As an internationally recognised theatre, Nottingham Playhouse boasts ground-breaking and world-class productions and fosters artist development. Beyond the stage, the Playhouse supports the community through respected outreach programmes, and corporate sponsors like ourselves play a critical role in sustaining these initiatives. Stephanie Sirr, MBE, and Chief Executive of Nottingham Playhouse comments: “We really value our long-term relationship with Russell Scanlan. They have…

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Why Choose a Chartered Insurance Broker?

At Russell Scanlan, we have held the prestigious Chartered Insurance Broker status since 2016, one of only a limited number of independent brokers in the region to retain this professional standard. Our Commercial Manager and President of the Nottingham Insurance Institute, Joanne Marriott, outlines what chartered status means and how it sets a broker apart from others. The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has been raising standards in the insurance and personal finance sectors since 1912, and awarding corporate Chartered status to firms who: Make a public commitment to align ethics and values Provide knowledgeable advice backed up by qualifications and continued…

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What is Shareholder Protection and Key Person Insurance?

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, it has brought into sharp focus the challenges that businesses face when colleagues are taken ill. Key Person Insurance protects companies against the loss of a key employee who is fundamental to its operations. It typically provides protection for the costs of replacing a key person, loss of profits and/or repayment of business loans in the event of death (or critical illness). Banks can sometimes require this type of cover when finance is provided. Shareholder Protection is another form of cover providing funds in the event of the death (or critical illness) of a…

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What are the New Highway Code changes for 2022?

We spoke to Bernard Thornton, Fellow and Chartered Insurance Practitioner at the Chartered Insurance Institute, about the new changes to the Highway Code and what this means from an insurance point of view for employers. Although they may have flown in under the radar, some very important changes were made in January to the Highway Code, known in some quarters as the ‘Road Users Bible’. Some drivers will be blissfully unaware that anything has changed, whilst many others will have a vague awareness that something has happened without understanding the detail. In fact, not only do the updates comprise essential information…

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More Than A Fleeting Look at Electric Vehicles

So, the writing has been on the wall for some time, for our petrol and diesel gas guzzling cars to be heading for the scrap heap to be replaced with something altogether greener and environmentally friendly. And for those that have already made the switch, for personal or fleet, the recent scenes of long queues at the petrol stations across the country must offer up feelings of relief for some and satisfaction perhaps for others? (and who could blame them?). We already know that the sale of new petrol and diesel cars will be banned from 2030, and some hybrid cars…

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What will be the legacy of the Ever Given Suez Canal crisis for cargo policyholders?

When the 220,000-ton Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal, traffic on the central shipping route between Europe and Asia was brought to a standstill for almost a week – and highlighted, in the full glare of the world’s media, how quickly global supply chains can be disrupted by just one single event. As the aftermath continues to unfold, our Director of Claims, Steve Wright, outlines the ongoing implications of the incident and what this means for those with goods on board. On Tuesday 23rd March, the container ship, Ever Given, ran aground in the Suez Canal. At nearly a quarter of…

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How to Support Your Employees as We Return to Work

Addressing employee mental health and wellbeing has continued to grow in awareness for all employers over the last decade but a year long national lockdown and global pandemic along with the challenges of prolonged furlough for some and remote working for others has now brought the issue into ever sharper focus. So, what can businesses do to help ease employees back into a more stable work routine and support general wellbeing? Our Healthcare Manager, Chris Cunnington, outlines the wider benefits of employee assistance programmes and why they are important for businesses in 2021. As we start to imagine what life will…

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