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Chartered surverys


Established in 1881


Continuous Insurance Enforcement

Continuous Insurance Enforcement is touted as the biggest single change to compulsory third party motor insurance since the Road Traffic Act.

  • The goal is to reduce the number of uninsured drivers on the road.
  • From 20th June, the authorities will have the power to enforce the steps outlined in the attachments. The most serious action is that a car can be crushed if its records aren't on the DVLA database. However, it takes a number of steps to reach that stage.
  • Should the registered keeper take out a motor insurance policy they can do so immediately, pay the fixed penalty and there will be no further action as long as that policy remains in force.
  • If the second enforcement letter from the DVLA is ignored then the registered keeper will be issued with a final notice (which outlines their options to contest) and then subsequently with a summons.
  • Once the final notice has been issued their vehicle may be clamped, seized and destroyed.

Link to the press release from the Motor Insurers' Bureau

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