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Free Online Cyber Essentials Services Available for Businesses

The team at Russell Scanlan continues to research products and offers that can help businesses adapt to the new ways of working post Covid-19.

As many business owners continue to operate their business remotely, we want to inform you of an offer that can add an increased level of protection against the growing risk of cyber attacks.

With much of the UK workforce still working from home, cyber criminals have been working hard to hack into company databases using malware and phishing attacks. It is estimated that cyber-attacks have increased fivefold as a result of Covid-19, highlighting cybersecurity deficiencies within organisations and businesses in the UK.

Cyber AMI has begun offering its Cyber Essentials service free of charge for businesses. The Government backed scheme is a free online support service will help you implement the scheme’s requirements and obtain your official certification – should you wish to.

Written in plain English and designed for non-technical individuals, the free service aims to save businesses thousands of pounds over using a consultant. Whilst the service is free, customers will have the option to pay for their certificate, should they wish or need to, but it is not essential. The certificate has been designed simply as a way of showing new and existing clients that your business has an additional level of cyber security.

Businesses are not required to have any previous cyber experience and will work alongside the experts to build safe policies. With modular self-assessments, the scheme aids to educate and inform business owners and its staff of the risk of cyber-attacks. Following the schemes requirements can reduce your exposure to common issues by up to 80%.

Here at Russell Scanlan, we have seen the consequences of a cyber breach and truly appreciate the importance of good cyber security. We recognise the heightened risk of cyber-attacks in recent months and want to work with our clients to raise awareness and prevent future attacks. We would encourage all businesses to make the most of this amazing offer with Cyber AMI.

Although we recognise it may not be at the forefront of your mind in the current circumstance, we would also encourage you to review your current cyber policies and consider taking out cyber insurance for your business. Our team can help cut through the noise and simply point out what type of cover your business needs. We can identify the emerging risks and ensure you have safe policies in place.

If you have any questions at all about how you can protect your business from cyber criminals, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Although we remain working remotely, the team are on hand and here to support you. We hope you are all keeping safe and well.

To find out more about Cyber Essentials, please visit https://www.cyber-ami.com/.

Russell Scanlan was established in Nottingham in 1881 and is now the city’s largest independent insurance brokers and risk managers. With a client portfolio that has expanded across the UK, Russell Scanlan serves the nation’s corporate and small business sectors.

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