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Take The Cyber-Crime Test


We have been advising an increasing number of our clients on the critical issue of cyber crime in recent months. So I was particularly intrigued to read recently about a new test that companies in the East Midlands can take to check how cyber aware they are.

EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, has designed a test for businesses to check how cyber aware they are. This follows more reports that firms are still leaving themselves vulnerable to cyber-attacks, particularly SMEs, despite almost constant publicity that warns against the threat.

As technology advances and dominates more and more of our daily business, it pays to be educated rather than ignorant of the risk it brings. Cyber threats are not going to diminish or disappear and cyber security should be reviewed at Board Level to really assess what protection is required.

We know from experience with our own clients and contacts that all businesses have some exposure but we have to point out that cover tends to be cheaper than you would expect and is quite easy to arrange. Insurers are also starting to ensure (Hiscox comes to mind) that the literature they provide is easier to absorb and understand.

Many are acutely aware that their business and assets are at risk of being targeted by cyber criminals. But what is perhaps a little more surprising, and worrying, is that they are not taking the right precautions to protect their systems and data from an attack.

What’s interesting is that we don’t think twice about protecting our business premises when we finish work at the end of the day. I can’t imagine any of us not using a security alarm system and lock and key to protect our bricks and mortar. Yet, it appears that for some the same vigilance is not applied to a company’s technology and data.

According to the EEF, just under half (46%) of manufacturers have failed to increase their investment in cyber security in the last two years. This rises to 56% among small manufacturers. What is perhaps a more shocking statistic is that two in ten companies (20%) are not making employees aware of cyber risks in the work place and only 40% say cyber security is given serious attention by their management teams.

If you are a business owner, or responsible for an organisation’s IT systems or are a board director, are you willing to be held accountable for any data breaches – serious or otherwise? What’s important is for businesses to take the time to focus on the risk management aspect of cyber-crime. It will provide a starting point for businesses to see where they are exposed to risk of attack and what appropriate action and processes are needed to ring-fence any further disruption.

Just doing this simple task can focus the mind on whether there is an Achilles’ heel in your cyber protection, or give you peace of mind that your business is adequately protected. Russell Scanlan, in partnership with Berea, can provide a steer as to whether a business is in need of getting protection in place.

If you feel your business could do with a cyber audit, then please get in touch with one of our team who will be happy to have an informal chat about your needs.

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For expert advice, call us today on 0115 798 0786


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